Latest news from the club

The Middlesex Summer Leagues have started. With seven more rounds of matches to go, why not offer to join in! Contact Mich Janczur about the 3 Men’s teams. Trish Parker co-ordinates the 3 Women’s teams. Results so far? The Women’s 1sts won their first match against , the 2nds and 3rds had some fun competitive tennis, but alas came second. The Men’s have had a draw, a win and a close loss in the first round of matches. Many more matches for all to come.

Of course competitive play isn’t everything, there is lots of Social Tennis too. Turn up on Wednesday Nights after 7pm or Sunday mornings after 10am for a fun game or two. This is great for mixing with others. Play a set, then move on to join another group of players. Balls and lights are free.

The Annual Club Tournament is organised over the Summer, and you have until the 27th May to sign up. If you get through all the rounds, Finals Day is 16th September. Even if you don’t get through to the Final, come and support our Champions, have glass or two of Pimms and a bite or three from the BBQ.

In addition we have a Fun Tournament planned for the 9th July, it’s a great opportunity for everyone to mix in and mingle. It will be our Annual Derek Sledge Tournament, in memory of a longstanding member, and his honour people will be encouraged to wear their brightest colours.

The Club Mixed Doubles Tournaments will be held on 26th September. Take your Partner and play, play, play (tennis, that is – what were you thinking?)

There is also our Summer Ball on 24th June at Enfield Golf Club, tickets still available £50 per head, dinner and dance.